فريق دراسة الفقر والبطالة

وصف المشروع البحثي

يعاني قطاع غزة من مشاكل اقتصادية جمة  بسبب الاحتلال والحصار وضعف دور القطاع الخاص وسوء الأداء الاقتصادي، الأمر الذي أدى إلى تفاقم مشكلتي الفقر والبطالة لتصل إلى مستوى غير مسبوق في الارتفاع بما لم يمكن للحكومة في قطاع غزة من علاج المشكلة.  

ويقوم الباحثون ضمن هذا الفريق البحثي بدراسة العديد من المؤشرات الاقتصادية وخاصة مشكلتي الفقر والبطالة من حيث الأسباب والآثار بما يساهم في تقديم المقترحات والسياسات وسبل العلاج بناء على نموذج علمي قابل للتطبيق.  

ويساعد المشروع الفريق البحثي في التقدم لمشاريع دولية بحثية مثل Tempus, FP7 وغيرها، وذلك بالتعاون مع باحثين دوليين ضمن المشاريع الدولية الممولة ضمن حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط. كما يساهم الشروع البحثي في تعميق تخصص الباحثين في مسائل تهم المجتمع الفلسطيني بصورة خاصة والمجتمع الدولي بصورة عامة. كما وتساهم هذه الدراسة في زيادة قدرة الفريق البحثي على إيجاد الشراكات البحثية الخارجية.  

ومن أهم مخرجات المشروع ما يلي:

1- من المتوقع أن يتم نشر بحثين في السنة الأولى ، بحيث يتناول أحدهما البطالة وأسبابها ومظاهرها. بينما البحث الثاني فيتعلق بالفقر وأسبابه وآثاره على المجتمع الفلسطيني.

2- أما السنة الثانية فيتوقع الفريق إعداد نموذج علمي دقيق لآليات علاج مشكلة البطالة بالتعاون بين الحكومة والقطاع الخاص والقطاع الأهلي والممولين بما يساهم في تخفيف المعاناة عن أبناء الشعب الفلسطيني في قطاع غزة ويوفر وثيقة علمية أكاديمية تطبيقية لآليات علاج المشكلة.

3- السنة الثالثة تدرس دور المنهج الإسلامي في علاج مشكلة الفقر عموما مع التطبيق على حالة قطاع غزة على وجه الخصوص.


ملخص موضوع البحث:


This study aims for providing a group of statistics related to the economic and social situation in the Gaza-Strip through a comprehensive survey of the published statistics, especially what is being published by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics and other local or international organizations active in this field. In addition, the study will depend on other primary sources especially questionnaires that provide some up-to-date statistics, not available, yet dealing with the status of population in the Gaza-Strip. This study will basically rely on provision of a comprehensive database about these indications. Hence, these changes will be monitored in a way that serves the decision making process in the departments concerned, thus enabling them to address any extraordinary situation a Palestinian citizen in the Gaza-Strip might encounter. For the purpose of preparing this study, we will cooperate with other governmental, international and civil society organizations. These include the United Nations Special Coordinator's Office UNESCO, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, the Palestinian Trade Centre,   Pal -Trade, the General Union for Palestinian Industries, the Palestinian Ministry of National Economy, the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture, Human Rights Centers and others. This study will be issued in two versions, Arabic and English.


This study will deal with observing and analyzing the latest developments connected with the economic and social aspects in the Gaza-Strip. For example, the study will try to answer the following questions: What are the living conditions in the marginalized and agricultural areas such as the Palestinian camps in the Strip?



How are the living conditions of the unemployed workers?

What are their needs? And to what extent does the drop or increase in the unemployment affects the economic performance?

What are the most important indicators related to the main economic sectors (industry, agriculture, commerce and services)?

How does the continued price increase influence the living and poverty standards in the Gaza-Strip?

What are the trends or opinions of business owners about the economic situation in the Gaza-Strip?


What are the indications related to the public health sector in the Gaza Strip in addition to other related issues?




أهداف البحث:


In general the study will be divided into five main divisions including a summary of the required indicators:

1.    Indicators related to the marginalized areas, especially the camps.   This division will include monitoring of the economic and social indicators in the marginalized areas, especially the camps. Then, the principal needs these people will be identified.




2.    Indicators related to Agricultural Areas:

This division will concentrate on observing indicators related to remote agricultural areas which are considered far from residential areas. This will help in identifying the needs of this segment, a matter which helps in preplanning the financing process and providing assistance to these groups.

3.    Indicators related to employment.

This division will primarily focus on observing changes in employment and poverty trends and also identifying the changes in consumptions rates. Besides, the changes happening in the consumer's prices and their impact on the poverty rate will be analyzed .These indicators will include both males and females, especially housewives who are responsible for families in bread winning.

4- Indicators related to economic sectors such as industry, agriculture

    and services.

      This division will concentrate on observing the indicators related to the Palestinian economic sectors especially production volume, the added    value, number of workers and others that indicate the nature of   Performance in these economic sectors.


5- Indicators to International Trade.


          This division will concentrate on observing the indicators related to the    Palestinian international trade statistics, values of exports and imports, directions and composition of trade.

Expected Outputs:

1- Providing of a group of important economic and social indicators related to the marginalized agricultural areas, poverty, job market, economic sectors, health, education, income rate, prices, collected aids and others.

2- Coming up with a professional opinion regarding how to reorient the financing to some groups according to the results reached by the reports.

3- Creating more than 50 job opportunities whether to university students or graduates or unemployed people.

4- Training a number of graduates or students in the methodology of scientific research and data collection mechanisms in a way that may enhance their capabilities and enable them to obtain a sustainable job opportunity.




خلفية مشروع البحث:

تتوفر بعض الدراسات عن موضوع الفرقة البحثية المتعلق بالفقر والبطالة في قطاع غزة لدى بعض الباحثين من خلال بعض المؤتمرات المحلية .

        كما توجد بعض الدراسات لفريق الأمم المتحدة عن علاج الفقر بالمشاركة إضافة إلى دراسة لمعهد دراسات التنمية في غزة عن نفس الموضوع والمتعلقة بدراسة مشكلة البطالة وعلاجها بالمشاركة.

         غير أن هذه الدراسات لم ترتق لمتابعة الأسباب الحقيقية ولا سبل علاج مشكلتي الفقر والبطالة في الأراضي الفلسطينية. ومن هنا يأتي دور الباحثين ضمن هذا الفريق البحثي للدراسة المعمقة باستخدام البيانات الدقيقة ومحاولة التعرف على سبل علاج هذه الأزمة بما يخدم السلطة الوطنية في قطاع غزة والأراضي الفلسطينية عموما.


منهجية البحث:


The primary, secondary sources, or both, will be used in data collection according to what will be agreed upon.. In order to achieve this goal, university students will embark on collection whether the primary obtained from the field or the secondary the secondary from reports or related departments. A group of questionnaires will be designed with the aim of collecting and analyzing the data.


Conducting field survey of the mentioned groups so that the data provided may be taken from the field, thereby making use of the statistics published by the official authorities. The preparation and designing of the questionnaires related to the various groups mentioned above should cover the following groups:


– Manpower questionnaire

– Health situation questionnaire.

 -Educational situation questionnaire.

– Marginalized areas and their needs questionnaire.

– Over populated areas questionnaire “Camps”.





مساهمة البحث في معالجة قضايا المجتمع أو تطوير وتنمية المعرفة:


Issuing this study through this research will help to create jobs for university students, graduates, field researchers, supervisors, programmers, and analysts . In addition, this study will be considered as one of the important references which the Gaza Strip is lacking at the moment. It is a study which primarily deals with observing the economic and social changes in the Gaza-Strip. Consequently, it will be the only document issued by one of the Palestinian Civil Society Organizations, a document which is concerned with studying, analyzing, and observing the economic and social changes in the Gaza-Strip specifically in the aforementioned.

          The economic writings related to the Gaza-Strip  are very scant to  the extent that  the Gaza-Strip study market is almost devoid of any. In addition to this, the increasing demand on study establishments, mainly, universities, persistently requires the provision of such references to the researchers and scholars. Accordingly the relevance of this study would be greatly justified for the various benefits it will provide for the private and public sector organizations, the civil society, and international organizations operating in the Gaza-Strip.